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Thursday, February 26, 2004

I stopped in at Sweetwater last nite on my way home from Lit. The boys at the bar were gathered around the television watching Pumping Iron, the 1977 documentary about bodybuilding, featuring a young Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno, of eventual Incredible Hulk fame.
It was the perfect movie with which to end my nite, over beers at my favorite little dive bar. It was awesome. Besides the obvious camp value in the synthesized soundtrack, the omnipresent moustaches, the wardrobe of poor wide-collared polyester shirts & teeny shorts stretched nearly to the breaking point by bulging, veiny muscles, and the vacant looks on all of their faces, the movie is full of revealing tidbits about the governor of California. At one point he says he didn't have time to mourn the death of his father, because he had a competition coming up in two months. Two months. Two days, maybe I could sort of try to understand. But two months? I guess a person really has to have layers & layers & layers of grossly gigantic muscles padding their brain in order to think that way.
I have to admit that Arnold was easily the best of the bunch tho. He was the most charismatic & the most handsome (shockingly, this is not a factor in bodybuilding competitions -- & when you think about it, that just doesn't make sense. The face is part of the body & has everything to do with one's overall appeal). & he kicked ass in the "pose-off" -- a real term for the hilarious part of the competition when the three finalists try to outpose each other on stage.
Also, he smokes pot. I saw him do it at the end.
As a side note, for some reason, when someone with fucking enormous muscles flexes, I always imagined there was a sound to it. Like a crunchy little squeaky noise of muscles in motion. Well, it turns out this just isn't true. At any rate, it wasn't captured on film & the bartenders at Sweetwater laughed at the idea when I brought it up.
So -- yet another mystery solved by the wonders of late-nite TV & beer at Sweetwater. God bless it.

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