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Friday, April 02, 2004

True confessions.
Yesterday I stole a tube of lipstick. What a fucking out-of-nowhere thing to do. I was at the Nars counter at Sephora, wavering between two particular shades of purple, & I realized I had to have them both. I only wanted to pay for one, so I bought the one I liked best, & I palmed the tester of the other one. I stole a tester. If my karma gets me for this transgression, it will probably be in the form of herpes. But I don't think that punishment truly fits the crime. Herpes is a bit harsh isn't it, as an exchange for a tester. Especially when I shelled out $23 for the one I actually purchased.
I found out yesterday my friend Belkys refers to me sometimes as her "ugly maker." This sounds like a compliment, & I'm sure she means it as one, but when someone calls you their Ugly Maker, it makes you feel a bit strange. I didn't like it at all, especially considering Belkys is like, the least ugly person ever. I have an Ugly Maker, my friend Jessica in Texas. I didn't realize I'd been thinking of her as an Ugly Maker until Belkys gave that feeling a name. I could be completely naked, & blind drunk as well, & if I were sharing the bar with Jessica, I promise you nobody would give me a second glance. I have seen men stop their cars to check her out. Men with women in the passenger seat. Jessica is a beautiful girl, but she's also a great friend, so from now on I vow to stop thinking of her as my Ugly Maker.
I guess I can't think of any other confessions right now. I suppose I could go through the other five deadly sins, since apparently I've taken care of Greed & Envy for the week. I've got Sloth down cold.
This site helpfully lists the Seven Deadly Sins, which is useful for ex-Catholic schoolgirls like me who've gone far, far astray. It also matches each sin with its corresponding punishment in Hell. Turns out Greed gets you thrown into cauldrons of boiling oil, NOT a raging case of herpes. That's a relief.

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