what is the word <$BlogRSDURL$>

what is the word

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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I almost bought a ball of yarn yesterday because it was the color of my blog. It was a fuzzy, soft thread that changed from navy to lavender to pink flecks & back to navy again. I wanted it so much but I have to finish with this grey thing I'm making & anyway the coveted yarn was $15.75 for what looked like a very small amount.
Today I got an email from one of my best friends from college. I haven't talked to her in months nor seen her in probably 4 years & anyway she just bought a house. She's celebrating her three-year anniversary with her girlfriend & she just bought her own house in Seattle. She was always one of those people that somehow seemed to know how to do everything right, instinctively: play the stock market, drive a tractor, sew her own clothes, invent her own dances that actually caught on, make vegan food taste delicious & have relationships with women that weren't obsessive-compulsive jealousy-fueled screaming matches (most of the time). We lived together in a tiny little apartment in Austin called The Shanti. It was infested with dog-sized flying cockroaches & we had funny old avocado-colored couches & Japanese lanterns & outside, a small swimming pool surrounded by palm trees. We did a lot of crystal meth to write papers & we swam in the pool & sometimes if the roaches were very bad she'd let me stay with her in her room. When we drove into the parking lot of our complex together we'd crack each other up by singing the Madonna song to each other: Om shanti, shanti shanti...
& now she owns a house! Meanwhile my current apartment isn't very much nicer than The Shanti, minus the roaches. We do have pretty furniture but it's about to go away with my roommate tomorrow. We don't have flying cockroaches either but we did have a flood over the weekend & a certain incident involving rats about a year ago that I don't like talking about. Let's not even get into the three-year relationship thing. It's funny. I'm not jealous, exactly, but I do feel sort of like 4 years of my life passed like so much sand thru my fingers & I'm barely holding on to a grain or 2. God. Sigh. Ya know?
Anyway perhaps I should try to accomplish something in life, in whatever small way possible. Like for example, post a blog composed of only two-syllable words. If you have any topic suggestions let me know. Tomorrow -- two syllables exclusively! See, that entire last sentence won't even be allowed.

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cos i just want 2 love u

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