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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I don't get into the holidays very much but today I am suddenly thankful for a lot of things. It's just coincidence, ok?
I'm thankful that I'm getting out of work today at 2:30, less than three wee little hours away. Thankful to have found a new roommate at last, a very lovely person who drank a glass of cheap wine at my house last nite while she wrote out the check. Polly was there too, enjoying the cheap wine as well, & I'm thankful to her for providing such insightful suggestions for a short story I wrote, for giving me a fancy new Rebecca Taylor shirt just because, & for getting an awesomely dramatic haircut so I don't have to. Also thanks to Helen & Fletcher, who invited me to Thanksgiving dinner -- shall be there, guys! Whiskey in hand!
Very (very) thankful for very (very) good sex. Among other things.
Thankful for Melly, tho sad I haven't talked to her in about five days, which feels awful. My sister, my nephew Antonio, my parents doing their thing, fishing in the Keys, me having a job I like most of the time, Mike Toole taking my advice, all tension between me & my roommates having dissipated completely, Eminem, Geoff Dyer, the new kitty that is moving in with the new roommate, Charles Bukowski, Nancy Mitford, queso, emperor penguins for Melly, sitemeter, cos it brings me so much inexplicable joy, collarbones, pelvic bones, getting stronger, feeling better, healing, changing, writing, sleeping. Did I say Eminem already? Amen.

yay you got a roommate! that's a relief. i'm personally thankful for eating way too much, watching three full dvd's the Buffy season 7, and for Top Model being rerun tonight... ah life is good.
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but most of all, i heart you. thanks for coming.

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cos i just want 2 love u

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