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what is the word

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Friday, November 19, 2004

I liked this on my sitemeter today. I liked that someone wasn't just looking for generic tattoo removal, but wanted specific information about ex-girlfriend's-name tattoo removal. The best thing about sitemeter is when you can smell the desperation in a five-word search. It's practically poetic.
Just about everything has struck me as poetic lately. Everything has been vivid & fuzzy at the same time. I need more sleep, but it's ok.
Best news of the morning is the new Golden Girls DVD. I found out courtesy of my old company, who put out this awesome photo early this morning. Check out Bea. What a diva. She is perfect. And Rue is terrifying as usual.
Apparently no one feels like blogging these days. Paul, Mike Toole, Anise, Morgan, wtf yo?? I won't bother linking to their names since they aren't offering anything new to read anyway. Actually I don't feel like blogging very much either but it beats working & looking for roommates on craigslist. So it's got that going for it.
Anyway take my advice & go read this post over here instead of mine. I know how she feels but she says it better.

I've been anxiously awaiting GG on DVD for so long! YES!! First 21 Jumpstreet, now this. Awesome.
In honor of the golden Girls DVD, here's a quote for you...
Dorothy:"What are they gonna do, Rose? Take back your helmet with the horns on it?"
Long silence.
Rose(scathingly angry):"They're called Longenhueden!"
p.s. it's too sad that I know that. It's even worse that I'm worrying about whether or not I spelled "Longenhueden" right. Sigh.
Trish, what are you, my TV soulmate? That is so sweet! & I love that quote & I REMEMBER that line! Tho I don't know how to spell longenhuden either.
Click on this for my prized possession, a photo of me & Blanche:
hi booface, isnt he swattie? its called a san joaquin kit fox & sadly its an endangered species. he is very cute-o tho.
you're a kind one. thank you.
Your google hit reminds me of the time I was checking my hit stats and someone reached my blog by searching "toilet memo courtesy flush."
Oh how I hope Santa brings me the Golden Girls DVD season #1 and maybe season #2 will be out by my b/day! You rock Kat, Nicole
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i heart new york: ((blogs to read)) ((necessary)) ((literary)) ((observatory)) ((stuff to do)) ((more stuff to do)) ((don't get lost))

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but most of all, i heart you. thanks for coming.

now give it to me
cos i just want 2 love u

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