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Friday, November 05, 2004

Last nite my f.b. & I were discussing blogs over very cheap beers & honey-roasted peanuts at the bar. "I don’t know, f.b.," I said (because of course I always call him f.b., even in person). "It's starting to get harder & harder to figure out what I can & can't put in my blog. I end up just putting almost everything in."
"It's your blog," he said. "You can write you want."
& it's true, it is my blog. But then again, a lot of my friends read it. Some part of me, somewhere, still wants people to like me, & would rather keep things not-awkward. The other nite while discussing the David scenario with friends I inwardly winced when one of them said, "If he still wants to go out with you after reading your blog, he's a gem." That gave me pause. Not that I've never thought about it, but I just don't care who knows what about pretty much anything. I know people who are furiously private. I'm not, obviously.
& then again, I could be doing way better at Tony's #19, which incidentally is the most important one. I could be blogging about what my f.b. & I did after we left the beers & the peanuts, or whose email I'm looking for every time I refresh my mailbox, or how much I'm dreading 17 days from today & why, or about a million other quasi-secrets, any one of which is undoubtedly much more interesting than this, but I'm too chickenshit to blog them.
So since I have nothing essential to say today, go look at this. It's totally transfixing & demonic & adorable & evil all at once.

If it's any consolation, I'm constantly awkward all the time with everybody, so nothing you could blog would change that. On the other hand, I don't think it was me you were worried about, so you're on your own again. Sorry.
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i heart blogs: ((mike toole)) ((melly)) ((anise)) ((stuart)) ((bring it)) ((paul)) ((TRUEBOY)) ((morgan)) ((marguerite)) ((dave)) ((apple)) ((antidisestablishmentarian)) ((stacy)) ((brigita)) ((ethan)) ((polly)) ((anna)) ((bill)) ((joe)) ((trish)) ((lisa)) ((the cap'n)) ((nicole)) ((dan)) ((sandy)) ((unRat)) ((the hun)) ((jamie)) ((radiohumper)) ((georgia)) ((the slot)) ((bemsha swing)) ((la coquette)) ((gawker)) ((ryan))

i heart new york: ((blogs to read)) ((necessary)) ((literary)) ((observatory)) ((stuff to do)) ((more stuff to do)) ((don't get lost))

i heart art: ((matt curtis)) ((brad)) ((taxidermy)) ((electric heat)) ((liz mcgrath)) ((FFF)) ((shattered lens)) ((italian marble)) ((artblog))

but most of all, i heart you. thanks for coming.

now give it to me
cos i just want 2 love u

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