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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Today I want a new tube of lipstick & I want to have found a new roommate already & I want there not to be crumbs in my purse anymore after I accidentally put a bag of crackers in it one day & then never ate them. I want my Delia's cardigan to arrive already but it still hasn't shipped. (Trish, did you get yours yet? That shit is back-ordered for weeks!) Even more than that I want to have a lot of money in the bank & I want to fly to Chicago & see Melly & eat a Demon Dog straightaway. I also want Melly to play me her wintry mix in the car when she picks me up at the airport.
Today's been frustrating so far, but a couple of things made me happy. This did. So did this. & this little trio of sentences I read on the subway on my way to work:

In the morning he said, You're some lover you know. He said, You really are. You remind me a lot of Dotty Wasserman.

I like the elegance of those lines but what kills me is this fantastic lover being named Dotty Wasserman. That's really the perfect part.

No on the Delia's cardigan. I went to order it and saw how far it was backordered, so I figured I'd try again later. Or, I'd try to find another one at another store somewhere, but forget that. No dice.
BTW, LOVE the Spike and Dru picture! Very cute. OH, James Marsters is guest starring on "The Mountain" next week. Gonna have to watch an ep of that shit show!
Where are those sents. from? Sounds like some odd Portonoy's Complaint. Pretty hysterical.
Trish, thanks for the James Marsters tip! Definitely would not miss Spikey even on a shitty show.
Stuart, those are from a Grace Paley story called Love. Have you ever read her? It's my first time & she's great.
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cos i just want 2 love u

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