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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

As regrettable as the loss of Hunter S. is for the rest of us, I don't think anyone has the right to not forgive suicide in Geniuses of a Certain Age.

Still, tho.

Last nite I was listening to a lot of Bright Eyes because on Saturday after Diner when I told Sara that Bowl of Oranges was my favorite Bright Eyes song she said Oh really? as if she were very surprised. Sara knows me almost better than I know myself so I decided to check to make sure. It turns out that (& keep in mind, lazy fan that I am, I haven't even picked up the new CDs yet) Bowl of Oranges still squeaks by as my fave. I don't know if I want to have sex with Conor that much but I want him to be my boyfriend so I can make sure he eats properly & so he can sleep with his frail arms around me at nite & so he can look at me very wide-eyed while he says things like:

That's why I'm singing baby don't worry
Cos now I've got your back
& every time you feel like crying
I'm gonna try & make you laugh
& if I can't if it just hurts too bad then we'll wait for it to pass
& I will keep you company
On those days so long & black

Right there it's like he is the Lloyd Dobbler of songwriters. It's amazing.
Of course when I have met men this sincere (or rather, "sincere") in real life I have spurned their affections immediately, like get away get away get away NOW. Which is probably for the best.

In fashion news, I can't wait to smell Flowerbomb. I love Viktor & Rolf & this is the best bottle I've ever seen. The $150 price tag is daunting to say the least, but I will make an exception if it smells as good as it looks.

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