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what is the word

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Monday, February 07, 2005

We had slept in all of our clothes. His button-down was buttoned up & I had everything on from the nite before, including my belt & my bra. It was very chaste for 9 in the morning.

Do you want some worry dolls? I said. I kept them by the bed. Someone gave them to me once but I don't really want them.

No, I don't want them particularly either, he said.

But look, I said. Worry dolls are funny. You can get them to take all of your troubles away, & they are always kept in this same kind of little yellow box.

Hmm, he said. Maybe if I get enough of them I can get them to start doing all kinds of chores for me. Like: Worry Doll, clean my apartment!

No, no, I said. You have to phrase it in the form of a worry.

I see your point, he said. OK, so I'd say: Worry Doll, I'm very worried, I'm concerned, because my apartment is very dirty & I don't have any time to clean it & I have guests coming tomorrow.

I don't have nearly enough dolls for all my worries, I said, picking thru the small yellow box with my finger. The plain little strings stuck together with dots of streaked marker for eyes.

There are only four of them in here, I said disappointedly.

Maybe you can get a whole army of them to do your bidding, he said.

A whole regiment, at least, I agreed. That's exactly what I need. All of them under my pillow at nite.

& just then it felt very warm & very far from worrying lying there in all of our clothes with the buttons buttoned & the belts fastened & the familiar dolls in the same old box by the bed. It was very early in the morning for a Saturday & not long after that he was gone.

Wow, this is really great writing. You ought to write professionally, honest. Damn that's good. That could be professional fiction, if you sustained it over a novel, or professional short story, if you got someone to buy it. I can't believe u wrote it actually. Sounds like a major writer.
wow, thank you! that was a really great comment. i did write it very stoned, so i hope it still counts.
thanks for reading & commenting.
i totally imagine that you wrote this with one hand down your pants.
hey! did not!
i actually composed it into my dictaphone, so i managed to get BOTH hands down there.
And now these comments have caused yet another hands/pants conjunction.

But yeah, great writing Kat.
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