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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The best thing about my birthday cake was there were two pieces of beef jerky in it. Sheri's the cake-inventing guru & she knows I don't give a shit about cake but I adore beef jerky, so she stuck two pre-wrapped sticks of it right in the frosting. I blew out the candles, ate both pieces of jerky & went outside for a cigarette.
So I'm 27. Yeah, yeah.
Everything happens in fits & starts, everything. Days & days of unremitting boredom & then like five big things will happen. Sometimes all in one nite.
My birthday was fun. Lots of friends & some great presents. Somehow I changed clothes four times in the course of the evening too. Because Polly got me this dress that was this long soft twisted grey thing & you couldn't tell which end was up or what was back & what was front or how you were meant to wear it at all, so as soon as I got home from the bar, even tho I had about six people with me, I put it on straightaway. Anise said it looked like I was from Tokyo (meaning the dress rules). Then I wanted to show Sheri the black dress I bought for Paul's wedding, but while I was wearing it I sat where someone had spilled beer on the couch & so finally I put on a t-shirt & jeans. Which was best, really.
Anyway. Blah blah. New York is sunshiney now, but everyone knows that. Yesterday I walked downtown from work & I just kept walking, over the bridge & into Brooklyn. It didn't feel so much like I was walking as it felt like I was feeling the sun & the new air & checking out the graffiti. I liked a car parked below me on South Fifth when I was almost home; someone had sprayed the words "COME ON LETS GO" in giant yellow letters across the side. Seemed appropriate.

happy birthday, wonderful blogger!
happy birthday, wonderful blogger!
eeeh... i'm the jerk who spilled half a tall boy on the couch, sorry! i was trying to drunkenly clean it up and Troy murmered something about how it didn't matter and threw a pillow over it. your birthday rules! i had such a blast - i'm sad sad sad i won't be here next year....
im sad you wont be here next year either! or for you guys's birthdays. no probs about the beer. the beef jerk totally made up for it.

thanks anonymous, whoever you are!
It didn't feel so much like I was walking as it felt like I was floating on the new air & checking out the graffiti. I liked a car parked below me on the South Side when I was almost home; someone had pissed the words "COME ON LETS GO" in giant yellow letters in the snow. Seemed appropriate.
happy birthday, wonderful blogger!
It didn't feel so much like I was walking as it felt like I was floating on the new air & checking out the graffiti. I liked a car parked below me on the South Side when I was almost home; someone had pissed the words "COME ON LETS GO" in giant yellow letters in the snow. Seemed appropriate.
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