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Monday, May 23, 2005

Saturday nite we were at about the sixth bar on a ridiculously bar-packed evening. I'd had loads to drink & was feeling extra-competitive about the pool game I was about to play. These guys wanted to play doubles but I was with a pack of non-pool-playing friends & while I was searching the place for a suitable partner I ran smack into Lewis Black of The Daily Show fame. "You're Lewis Black," I said, correctly but rather stupidly nonetheless.
"That's right," he said. He was smiling & nicer than I'd imagine but of course I couldn't let it go at that.
"I really need a pool partner," I said. "Can you play?"
"I'm terrible," he said. "You'll be better off without me."
I was disappointed, to say the least. "You're still funny," I said.
He was very gracious despite my silly starstruckery. "Thank you," he said.
He's not even a really proper celebrity-celebrity, but somehow I still managed to be excited about it. I told the people I was playing pool with but none of them knew who he was. They all still wanted me to point him out. Luckily he was sitting up at the bar away from the pool table so I don't think he witnessed any of the debacle. What I liked about him was that he stayed at the bar till very very late. They started kicking people out sometime after 4. They shut down the pool table so I didn't really mind leaving, at least not until I noticed old L.B. was still at the bar with the regulars who weren't being hustled out with the rest of us. "Lewis Black gets to stay," I scowled, tho I made sure he couldn't hear me. I'd already embarrassed myself enough.
Sunday I recovered from the resulting hangover & the disappointment of not getting to play pool with Lewis Black by watching movies with Leyla. We watched Requiem for a Dream, which I had always known I would hate & it turned out I did hate it. I liked Ellen Burstyn & felt terribly sorry for her even when she turned into a wrinkled sweaty mess with a ring of fried hair but the whole thing was unrealistic & ridiculous. I hate drug movies that rely on drug montages that look like music videos rather than an actual plot. They may be sophisticated montages but they are still montages & I hate the way they glamorize drug use using skinny pale gorgeous people who are otherwise uninteresting & then they turn right around & shove it down your throat that drugs will destroy your life. I hated Trainspotting & Traffic & R. for a D. & I can tell I would hate Blow. I don't mind it a bit when drugs are prominently featured but the movie doesn't revolve around the act of getting fucked up, e.g. City of God & Fear & Loathing in L.V. & I think those are the only ones I can think of. Harold & Kumar was a good one too. & that is my rant for today.
Oh! & tonite is Bright Eyes/The Faint. Shall report back demain.

I saw Lewis Black at the Improv out here a couple years ago. My friend Jason went up to him afterwards and just started talking to him like they were friends. I'm glad to hear he is still a nice dude. (Although he shoulda played pool with you.)
I am right there with you on the drug movies. I HATED Trainspotting and Requiem for a Dream. Too video-y, too wiggy and trying-to-create-the-drug experience. Yuck, stupid movies and their stupid camera angles and pale-glamorous casting. Puke.
that's so funny, i never even knew Lewis Black was on the Daily Show. i've always just known him for his sweaty, spittly stand up usually involving a lot of swearing about people who have too many kids. god love him.
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