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Monday, May 09, 2005

This weekend was pretty all-around horrible. On Friday I actually got stood up -- stood! up! -- for the first time I think ever. I wasn't very upset about it that nite but the next morning I woke up livid. The only thing to do was go to the Nomadic Museum on Pier 54. I had heard about how peaceful it was. I thought it would help to see the elephants & the whales with the light filtering in & to be there on the furthest side of Manhattan from Brooklyn where all the heartache goes down.
It did help actually. I liked the close-ups of the wrinkled eyes of the elephants & there was some kind of mountain cat with exotic black-tipped ears. But afterwards over beers at the Hog Pit I got into a fight with this lame guy at the pool table & then proceeded to get hit on by an even lamer guy who somehow made a beeline straight for me. He stunk of cologne & he was wearing a UBS Warburg ID badge -- which, rather than being embarrassed of, he actually gestured at when introducing himself.
"I'd like to take you out," he said. "A girl like you should have 10 boyfriends, then narrow it down to 5, then narrow it down to 3, then narrow it down to me."
He was very Type A about the whole thing, like he was really selling himself. He showed me some pictures of himself at an event with the dude from the Sopranos, which I don't even watch. "How many of your boyfriends can say they've hung out with James Gandolfini?" he said.
"Are you for real?" I said.
I really did say that. He was just atrocious. All oily & balding & standing way too close.
"Listen," he said. "I've got a house on Long Island with a hot tub & a Porsche [insert probably made-up model here] in the driveway. I'll have you over for the weekend, introduce you to my friends. I hang out with, what, Christie Brinkley, Alec Baldwin, Billy Joel... "
"Uh-huh," I said. He was so gross he was almost starting to be amusing. But then he actually looked me up & down & told me what beautiful babies I would make, at which point I was almost too horrified to move. Luckily Leyla came running over with the check & shortly thereafter we were gone.
& thus in a mere 2 days my already tenuous faith in men was completely wiped out, probably once & for all. On a nicer note, I'm feeling very positive re. elephants, whales & exotic mountain cats.

That is the beautiful thing about animals. Because they lack a frontal lobe and only have the primitive animal brain, they are incapable (animal behaviorists suspect, anyhow) of having two emotions at the same time, wiping out such complex "human" emotions that are actually 2 combined, such as disbelief + repulsion=disappointment in humanity. Well, I guess you're just disappointed in men. An animal would never try to bribe you and then think that was a compliment.
.. but you would make beautiful babies.
ha - that was funny! i am so glad i am a guy, not that guy, but a guy, instead of a girl getting hit on by that guy ...
oh god Kat, i'm so sorry! but this entry cracked me the fuck up!!
if you go to his house and hang out with the Baldwins i'll give you a dollar.
did you get that guy's number? 'cause i'll hang out in his hot tub any day! whoooo - hot!!!
did you get that guy's number? 'cause i'll hang out in his hot tub any day! whoooo - hot!!!
ok joe, but only if YOU sleep with him.
i actually gave senor suck my email address, because he was such a goldmine of hilarity i was curious to see if he could come up with some new level of sleaziness electronically. that & his stanky cologne wouldnt be able to penetrate thru the internet. but he hasnt written :(
maybe it was the look of utter horror i gave him when he pulled me in for one last pervy embrace at the door.
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