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Friday, July 01, 2005

Today is the switching of the roommates. Goodbye Maria, hello Laura. Last nite I stopped at home with Joe so we could smoke a bowl before we went to Zablozki's & Maria came in with her mom & said they were moving some stuff out that nite, including the cat. Mowpa! I was wasted from happy hour with coworkers earlier & I got all misty about it. I love the cat. She is very small & very sleek & often quite naughty & she has a wide Egyptian face with dramatic black-lined eyes & she is allergic to everything so we have to protect her from everything.
Meanwhile they were putting the little animal into her black zippered case & Maria & her mom had their arms full of clothes & bags so I followed them with the cat carrier. Mowpers was hunched up in the back of it very frightened so I kept talking to her as we went down the stairs & out into the street. "This is your neighborhood, Mowplet," I told her, "& look, there is the music studio where all the loud noise comes from & there is the grocery store where we would buy your cat food if you weren't allergic to everything & you are only moving 3 blocks away, little twig, so there is no reason to be scared."
I think Maria's mom thought I was insane & clearly drunk & stoned besides but it couldn't be helped. I think I may have to break down & get my own cat. I had my heart broken when Daphne moved out & I had to say goodbye to Puccini & now here I am going thru the whole thing all over again. Such is life.
In other news I am obsessed with old Modest Mouse albums. I can't get enough! Last month I couldn't get enough Interstate 8 & this month it is This Is a Long Drive for Someone With Nothing to Think About. Melly used to play me a great song in her car that went "I'm trying to drink away the part of the day that I cannot sleep away” but I don't have the album that song is on. Bummer.

You can borrow Alice and Gertrude when I go on vacation in August. They will purr all over you. :)

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